I really and truly don’t know where to start with this blogging thing. I am extremely inexperienced in this and don’t have a very straightforward idea that I would like to focus on during all of my postings. I guess I can start by saying, “Hi, I’m Hailey.” I am twenty-seven years old. I am a full-time wife, mother of two children under age five, and student. I also am a sister, daughter, aunt, grand daughter, niece, cousin, friend, pet parent, advocate, adventurer, maker, creator, freelance usability and interface tester, part of the event staff for Blue Label Casinos as a croupier, mobile gamer, baker, believer in the keto diet, self-proclaimed author and photographer, and so much more. This is precisely why I have no focussed direction for HaileyRocks. I have so many interests, hobbies, things, and roles that I play in my day-to-day life that I have no idea how to narrow that down. I love being who I am and having such a full, diversified life. Who says I can’t share all of that with anyone who would like to know about it. This is me, and this is why HaileyRocks! (Or so Aly Sayes)